God’s Truth, or My Truth - Aaron Vienot

PIFXXVII: What is Truth? Living His Truth in a World of Relativism (John 14:6, Psalm 86:11)



PIF27 - Lecture 3 - God’s Truth, or My Truth - Aaron Vienot

Who or what is your source?


Introduction: Why this topic?

• In present culture, there is widespread rejection of truth.

• Feelings & experiences used to measure reality. • “Live your truth”
• “Your feelings and desires reflect your identity”

• The God of truth is openly rejected by the culture.
• Directly or indirectly, Christians are influenced by these ideas. • Professing Christians increasingly reject God’s authority.

• Question: Are you subject to God’s truth, or to your own truth?


God’s truth: God is truth

• “The God of truth” (Isaiah 65:16) – Heb. “Elohim Amen” • Meaning: Faithfulness, Certainty, Reliability, Truth
• Connection: 2 Cor. 1:20

• “The Spirit of Truth”
• John 14:16-17 – “will be with you”
• John 15:26, 16:14-15 – “will testify of Me [the Son]” • John 16:12-13 – “will guide you into all truth”

•“I am the truth”
• John 1:14-17 – “full of grace and truth”
• John 14:6 – “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life”


God’s truth: God’s Word is truth

• “Your words...

  • “prove true” (2 Sam. 22:31; Psa. 18:30; Pro. 30:5) – found to be true by


  • “are true” (2 Sam. 7:28; Psalm 19:9; 119:142, 151, 160) – accepted as true by faith

  • “must be correctly discerned” (2 Tim. 2:15) • The Word made flesh: John 1:1-5


Man does not receive God’s truth

• What human source can give such assurance? •John 18:37 – the final offer
•John 18:38 – the response


Where does “my truth” lead? (1)

In organized religion (Judaism):

• Pharisees
• Legal spiritualists (religious pride)
• Had the “right” fundamentals...plus everything they added

• Sadducees
• Legal traditionalists (rational pride)
• Had the “right” fundamentals...minus everything they subtracted

• Herodians
• Political pragmatists (worldly pride)
• Presumably, no fundamentals...just go along to get along.


Where does “my truth” lead? (2)

The character of these three groups revealed:

• Acts 23:7 – principle divisions

• Mark 3:1-6 – the hardened heart

•Matthew 22:15-46 (also Mark 12, Luke 20) – all three groups at work • All were, in some degree, natural opponents

...although the Herodians are always associated with the Pharisees • All opposed the Lord
• All had no answer to His truth


Where does “my truth” lead? (3)

Modern parallels:

• Pharisees: any religious structure which...
• Seems to have fundamentals right, but adds rigid traditions and rules

which are made equal to Scripture.
• God’s truth is expanded into something impossible. Leads to hypocrisy.

• Sadducees: any religious structure which...
• May have some claim to a historic Christian view, but removes

dependence upon divine power and leading.
• God’s truth is selectively redefined and rejected. Leads to apostasy.


Where does “my truth” lead? (4)

Modern parallels:

• Herodians: the extending of religious tradition to...
• alliances with the world’s power systems in order to achieve goals.
• God’s truth has no real influence over methods. Leads to worldliness.

Points to ponder:

• Failed Christian groups often follow these patterns. Are they your patterns? Do you truly follow Christ?

• The Herodians (Matt. 22:16, Mark 3:6, 12:13) were cooperative with the Pharisees.


Where does “my truth” lead? (5)

In the Gentile world-systems (outside Judaism):

• Paul and the Athenians (Acts 17:16-33)
• The Stoic and Epicurean philosophers
• Two opposed philosophical views of life; what was their view of Paul’s gospel?

• The Gentile world-condition (Romans 1:18-32)
• Rejects truth regarding God’s existence and power (spiritual degeneracy) • Reject truth regarding God’s created order (moral degeneracy)

Point to ponder:

• Are you getting your truth from a world that can’t even sort basic facts about the created order after observation and study?



• 1 Cor. 1:17-31: Truth, beginning from the preaching of the gospel, is not discerned by human education, eloquence, wisdom...

• What was the truth of the gospel to Jews, who had religion?
• What was the truth of the gospel to Gentiles, who had science and


• Prov. 3:5-8: Truth does not come from depending upon your understanding of any situation or circumstance.

• 1 Tim. 2:4-5, John 8:31-36, 2 John 1:1-6: The power of truth comes from having a personal relationship with the source of Truth.


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Principles In Focus

Principles in Focus is a retreat for high-school and college aged believers to study Biblical principles. Our goal is to create an environment in which we can have in-depth discussions and meaningful fellowship.


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